Björg Árnadóttir / Stílvopnið
2A2 Brief resume
Founded in 2015, Stílvopnið’s activities are based on writer’s Björg Árnadóttir decades of work in the field of adult education, mainly creative writing. Björg is known in Iceland and beyond for her pioneering work in developing creative, empowering, and inclusive learning environments, which includes safe spaces, for people in general, for vulnerable groups in particular, as well as for published authors to write and share their life experiences.
Stílvopnið’s obvious goal is to nurture writing skills through courses, coaching, workshops and writing excursions. However, there is a hidden agenda, which is Björg’s endless effort to promote communication across physical and social boundaries.
„Magic“ is the most repeated word in the workshop reviews. A frequent customer in her eighties writes: „We need more people like Björg to mobilize people into action.“ This customer is now on her way to India together with friends from Björg’s previous workshops. The name of Stílvopnið’s workshop in India is “Writing With All The Senses“ whereas the title „Women Meet Women“ covers the content of a workshop located in a North-Tanzanian village.
Björg came familiar with the relatively new subject of creative writing in 1985, as a newly graduated art teacher. She became fascinated by the healing powers of the writing process and the inclusive effects of the sociometric teaching methods which she now adopts to all her work. Advocating creative writing in countries where the method is less known, allows Björg to participate quite frequently in international projects.
Apart from Björg’s teaching talents, the key to the success of her independent business is without a doubt, the curricular knowledge she gained in her master’s studies, and her numerous years of managing public adult education centers. In support of her skills, it is worth mentioning that Björg was honored by The Vocation Counsil Award of Iceland in 2006.
Björg wholeheartedly supports the conceptual and methodological importance of community art (see Section 7). On behalf of The Reykjavík Academy, – a multi-disciplinary community of independent scholars – where she is a long-time member, she initiated and managed the project COMMON GOOD: Dialogue on Community Art, in 2015 and 2022. The social innovation of the project consists of the joint efforts of multiple culture institutions, social authorities and human rights organization to promote the use of creative arts in health and social sectors.
The main challenges of a self-sustaining company in the field of education and culture are of operational nature; its sensitivity to external challenges (increasing concurrence, economic situation of the target group, pandemic etc.) as well as the ever-increasing complexity of advertising and branding. Moreover, targeted marketing is not suitable for educators who want to reach people across boundaries.
Björg´s aim, is for her life-work to outlive herself through future publications of the personal and social advantages of writing education, containing a guidance of how to use this powerful tool to enhance group communication, make people listen and be listened to – and how to use the self-healing writing process to inspire and motivate individuals.
Section 7 – Heritage
Early on, Björg embraced the concept and working methods of the Dig Where You Stand movement, which later let her into practicing community art.
Dig Where You Stand: An international adult education movement promoting public participation in research in local history using creative methods.
Community Art: A community-oriented, grassroot approach to building bridges of understanding through cultural activities. When local community members come together to express concerns about issues through this artistic practice, professionals may be involved. This artistic practice can act as a catalyst to trigger events or changes within a community or at a national/international level.